Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tradition Rears Its Ugly Head

Children create traditions out of anything. If you serve them ice cream on Friday once, it becomes Ice Cream Friday. If you hug them before you send them to bed, they moan “Where’s the hug?”  the next night. What if you go to the beach on the Fourth of July?

Or if you buy them a candy bar while grocery shopping? These events or items quickly become the special treat or memory they are entitled to, until you can argue successfully that it’s only on certain days or times or paydays. Relatives can drop by and the movie plans are scrapped, a tire blows and the money for Pizza Night gets sucked into car repairs, etc. Children do not like inconsistency, so it’s a tough battle sometimes to get them understand that “things happen”. 

Occasionally, though, it’s also true that adults fall into a rut of maturity that begs “things happen… so give in, just ‘go with the flow’”. This resolution is an adult rite because we tacitly agree that we have no control anyway. It makes us adults a little pathetic and useless in the imagination department. Yet, recently, my son reminded me recently that there’s a yin to that yang.

My son woke up late on a Saturday when I was organizing a speech tournament for our school.  He felt bad about that, so he guiltily helped me at the tournament.  This emotion, I think, was the seed of despair which exploded later in the day.