Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Secondary Reader Gets Second Chance

My daughter is not as voracious a reader as her brother. Having a titan of a reader for an older brother did not prepare me for the wild and woolly path of the "reluctant reader" (as if a child was fearful of the words on a page) or (another term I dislike) the "emerging reader" (like a worm).  My daughter is all fire and spit and if given the choice between a basketball and a book... well, she's out there shooting hoops. 

Certainly she was a little slower in the phonics department comparatively. She had an outstanding kindergarten teacher who recognized early my daughter's penchant for numbers and encouraged her to read outside of school. As a younger mom who had no problem with her first born son reading in preschool, I figured it would all come in time. Little did I know that a year later, my daughter would still have trouble forming sentences from words.